Ambassador Program

A Dash of Brilliance: Become a USimplySeason Ambassador!

Do you love to cook? Have you created a delicious dish with USimplySeason products that "USimply" want to share with the world? We're thrilled to be a delicious muse to aspiring chefs everywhere, and we want to know what tasty treats you've dreamed up: with your talent and our seasonings, we make quite the pair! We're looking for a few exceptional recipes to highlight on our product pages, in our blog and on our social media accounts. Want to know if you have what it takes? Here's what we're looking for in a recipe submission:

  • Who Are You? Don't be shy! Tell us what you're all about, what your motivation is in the kitchen, and give us a little insight into how you came up with your recipe. Sure, a fabulous dish is amazing, but a little backstory really brings out the flavor!
  • What's In It? A clear, complete recipe list is important for a lot of reasons - it lets chefs get their mise en place (ingredient prep) on point, and it also allows those with allergies or restrictions figure out what swaps they might need to make before they get started. If you want to give your recipe the "pro treatment," list your ingredients in the order they'll be needed during preparation and make sure your measurements are correct and consistent - 1 cup, 1 tsp, and so on.
  • How is it Made? Remember that not every chef has your level of expertise and experience - try to keep your steps simple and clear. Don't assume that the reader will know more advanced techniques, and stick to quantifiable steps - e.g. medium heat for 7 minutes as opposed to "simmer" - whenever possible. 
  • What Should I Expect? Don't forget to include important points like serving size, how leftovers should be stored, and any garnishes that should be added prior to serving. 
  • Say Cheese! Photos are the last step that takes a recipe from great to phenomenal (and contributor-worthy.) 4 or 5 photos that detail the steps of your process - the "raw" ingredients gathered, what mixtures and blends should look like, any tricky techniques that are hard to explain in words, and - of course - the beautiful finished product will put you up for consideration as a paid contributor at USimplySeason. Pictures should be clear, well-framed (e.g. your cat or the dreaded counter/table clutter shouldn't be photobombing the shot) and appealing. In other words, take pictures that inspire others to try your recipe! 
  • What Should *You* Expect? If your recipe is selected, you'll receive $25 for your post and $5 per photo published with it. Most average recipes use 5 photos, so you can expect an average rate of $50 per recipe post featured. You will, of course, also get some pretty awesome bragging rights in the process!  

We're excited to have you on Team USimplySeason!  Ready to get started? Just fill out our short, simple form below and we'll get back to you with a decision shortly. Thanks, and we look forward to making a beautiful blend with our delicious offerings and your fantastic words, pictures and content!

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